Employment Network

The employment network of the Sadna provides a framework of work opportunities for people with special needs who live in the housing system of the Sadna as well as in the surrounding community. The .network was established in 2008 and currently has about sixty employees. > We believe that all members of the community can contribute, create, and develop, and as such, they have jobs where they are contributing and productive employees during the work week.In recognition of the vital role that work plays in shaping the personal identity of the person, the Sadna placed significant thought to the selection of branches of employment within the network. Likewise, the development of individual promotion paths was a vital component in designing the employment network. Therefore, every branch of work selected as part of the employment network requires three basic parameters – employment that enables physical movement, encounters with diverse populations, and the ability to progress gradually from one position to another.Each employee has a personal and unique promotion track and is assigned to the specific industry according to his wishes and suitability. Employees are presented with clearly defined goals; they are evaluated and receive certificates and a salary increase according to their achievements. Each branch of the network constantly monitors the abilities and suitability of its employees to ensure that the workers do not stagnate and can constantly progress.
Alongside the promotion of each employee's employment abilities, we place an emphasis on people skills, as well as maintaining health and physical fitness. The employees enjoy a comprehensive sports program with certified instructors and participate in working groups that cover such areas as social sex education and preparation for joint relationships.
The employment network accommodates various levels of functioning – from working for entities external to the workshop such as private businesses and the like, to a population defined as nursing care that conducts activities in a day center.
Some of the employed come from the special education school of the Sadnat Shiluv where at the age of eighteen, they participated in an employment preparation program. During the preparatory program, the students were already integrated in the existing branches of employment and began to acquire basic employment skills.
The employment network is supervised by and operates in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services
We believe that all members of the community can contribute, create, and develop, and as such, they have jobs where they are contributing and productive employees during the work week.

In recognition of the vital role that work plays in shaping the personal identity of the person, the Sadna placed significant thought to the selection of branches of employment within the network. Likewise, the development of individual promotion paths was a vital component in designing the employment network. Therefore, every branch of work selected as part of the employment network requires three basic parameters – employment that enables physical movement, encounters with diverse populations, and the ability to progress gradually from one position to another.
Each employee has a personal and unique promotion track and is assigned to the specific industry according to his wishes and suitability. Employees are presented with clearly defined goals; they are evaluated and receive certificates and a salary increase according to their achievements. Each branch of the network constantly monitors the abilities and suitability of its employees to ensure that the workers do not stagnate and can constantly progress.
Alongside the promotion of each employee's employment abilities, we place an emphasis on people skills, as well as maintaining health and physical fitness. The employees enjoy a comprehensive sports program with certified instructors and participate in working groups that cover such areas as social sex education and preparation for joint relationships.
The employment network accommodates various levels of functioning – from working for entities external to the workshop such as private businesses and the like, to a population defined as nursing care that conducts activities in a day center.
Some of the employed come from the special education school of the Sadnat Shiluv where at the age of eighteen, they participated in an employment preparation program. During the preparatory program, the students were already integrated in the existing branches of employment and began to acquire basic employment skills.
The employment network is supervised by and operates in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services

The working day begins with prayers at 8:00a.m. and ends at 1:00p.m.
The residents then proceed to lunch, the preparation of which is part of the employment,
and to enrichment, art and physical activities, and finish at 3:30p.m.